Salmon & Sweet Potato Fishcakes #healthy #lunch

Salmon & Sweet Potato Fishcakes #healthy #lunch

These fishcakes are ideal for getting your little ones to assist in the kitchen as they're essentially an instance of throwing everything in a bowl, giving it a snappy mix and after that framing it into fishcake-molded protuberances. I have a slight propensity to just get the young men to assist me with devious treats like cakes and bread rolls so it's been incredible to urge them to participate with something sound as well.

These fishcakes are stuffed loaded with sound fixings – salmon, sweet potato (I've spoken before about attempting to change from customary potatoes to sweet since they're so bravo), wholemeal breadcrumbs and red onion.

I served them with peas, sweetcorn and some hacked infant plum tomatoes for the kids and a few chips and plate of mixed greens for us . A splendid aspect concerning utilizing solidified fixings is that a great deal of the decency is secured amid the solidifying procedure so they hold their dietary medical advantages superior to a portion of their crisp choices.

When we make these fishcakes we blend the fundamental fixings (salmon, sweet potato pound, breadcrumbs and red onion) and utilize only these for the young men, and afterward I'll include some sweet stew sauce, slashed red bean stew and salt before making the ones for us adults.

Salmon & Sweet Potato Fishcakes #healthy #lunch #glutenfree #lowcarb #paleo

Delicious, family-friendly salmon and sweet potato fishcakes. Perfect for a quick and healthy dinner.

  • 600 g Iceland salmon fillets
  • 300 g Iceland sweet potato mash - or 300g sweet potatoes
  • ½ red onion
  • 80 g whole breadcrumbs - breadcrumbs from about 2 slices of bread
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 4 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
  • ½-1 red chilli - depending on how much of a kick you want it to have
  • Salt

  1. Cook the salmon and sweet potato mash according to the packet instructions (or peel and boil the sweet potatoes until soft if you’re using fresh ones).
  2. Very finely chop your red onion and chilli (if using).
  3. Put your cooked salmon fillet into a large bowl and break it up into small pieces. Add the sweet potato, breadcrumbs and chopped red onion and give it all a good stir.
  4. Optional (or for after you’ve removed mixture for the children’s fishcakes) add the sweet chilli sauce (4 tbsp), chopped chilli, and season with salt. Give it another good mix.
  5. Divide your mixture into 8 and roll each one into a ball. Pat it flat until you have something that resembles a fishcake.
  6. If you have time, put the fishcakes onto a plate and cover with clingfilm. Put them into the fridge for about half an hour (this helps them to firm up and stay together during cooking – although I’ve skipped this step and still cooked them without any problems, you just have to handle them a touch more carefully).
  7. Heat the olive oil (1 tbsp) in a large frying pan (you may want to cook these in 2 batches or use 2 pans so they’re not all squashed in). Turn the heat down to low-medium and add the fishcakes. Cook on one side for 4-5 minutes and then carefully flip them over. Cook them on the other side for a further 4-5 minutes until hot all the way through, then serve.

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